Install Fire Extinguishers
Having mimagesbore than one fire extinguishers in your house is always critical as we can prevent small fires turning into big ones. Always keep one in the kitchen, one in the garage, and one in any workplace areas of your house, since these are the places where most residential fires start. And  most important of all fire protection advices alwyads make sure your fire extinguishers are in proper working order. There is no point of having them in home if they are expired.

Things that you need to avoid
Mostly residential fire happens because of negligence and ignorance. Minute carelessness like- smoking in bed, leaving the electric goods like hair straightener, dryer, oven etc turned on. Always keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from any flammable surface, specially walls, since they are another major source of house fires.

Things that you must do
Educate everyone in the family about what to do in an event of fire. Draw a floor plan with at least 2 ways of exit. Include all the information about the house- windows, doors,stairs  in that layout. Some other vital Fire Protection precautions that we can take are:

  • Check the dimensions of windows and doors—are they tall and broad enough for you to escape, do they open easy enough?
  • Work out a way of informing others and alerting each other in case of fire. Keep all the necessary numbers at reach for everyone.
  • Always sleep with the bedroom doors closed. This will cut deadly heat and smoke out of bedrooms, giving you additional time to escape.
  • When it catches fire, time is critical.Don’t waste your time in getting dressed, searching for pets or valuables. Just leave the place.
  • Roll out of bed. Evacuate by bending low. One breath of toxic smoke or gases may be enough to kill.
  • Feel all doors before opening them. If a door is hot, get out another way.
  • Practice evacuating the building blindfolded. In a real fire situation, the amount of smoke generated by a fire most likely will make it difficult to see.
  • Practice staying low to the ground when escaping.
  • Learn to stop, drop to the ground, roll if clothes catch fire.

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